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Uhrenarmbänder | Suche nach Uhrenarmband

Bezahlen mit Apple Pay
Versand innerhalb von 24 Stunden
Sicher Einkaufen In einer sicheren Umgebung
Der Uhrenspezialist seit über 25 Jahren

Products shipped outside the EU

Outside Europe

When products are shipped to countries outside of the European Union, in some cases, there will be a VAT (Value Added Tax), other taxes, customs duties and fees levied by your destination country. The additional charges for taxes or customs clearance fees are the responsibility of the recipient. If the recipient refuses to pay the duties, HWG has the right to charge the costs to the recipient.

Unfortunately, we cannot estimate what the charges may be since Customs and taxation policies vary widely from country to country. For further details, please contact your destination's customs office or visit their official website. In some cases, customs clearance procedures are required; under these circumstances, delays may occur, which will affect our original delivery estimation time.