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Cinturini per orologi
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Cinturini per orologi | Apple watch

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Orologi Fossil

Orologi Fossil

Fossil - uno dei marchi di orologi più moderni al mondo grazie ai suoi innovativi processi di produzione, creatività e buon senso dell'umorismo. È un marchio che rappresenta orologi di alta qualità e modelli freschi a prezzi convenienti, sia per uomo che per donna. Dall'elegante al casual e dall'elegante allo sportivo, la gamma ampia e diversificata assicura che ci sia un capo garantito per completare il tuo outfit.

Termini di ricerca popolari: Donna en Uomo.

Orologi 19

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Fossil: Made For This 

In 2023, Fossil launched a new campaign called 'Made for this'. This campaign emphasizes the 40-year history of the brand and the relationship that Fossil has built up with its customers during those years. While you experience moments big and small, Fossil is your companion with conscious attention to design, integration of high-quality materials and familiar, distinctive design elements. 

Vintage Americana 

Fossil's most characteristic design element is 'Vintage Americana' with a wink. A unique mix of shapes, colors and materials that are etched in our collective memory through ads, movies and music. This is reflected in original color combinations, the use of weathered leather for the watch bands, as well as surprising case shapes and funny variations on the traditional watch such as ring watches. 

Our collection of Fossil watches for men and women 

Fossil's watch collection consists of both women's and men's watches. The choice here is enormous. Whether you are looking for an analogue or digital watch, a sporty or elegant model - we bet that there is a watch that perfectly suits your needs.

In addition, all Fossil watches come in a characteristic tin box that changes seasonally. These boxes have now become almost as popular as the watches packaged in them and are even collected worldwide. 

Fossil watch bands

Are you still satisfied with your old Fossil watch, but would you like to give it a different look? Then check the Fossil watch bands page for new bands and bracelets that match your watch.