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Watch bands
Watch bands | Search Watch Band

Easy payments via Apple Pay
Ready to ship in 24h
Shopping in a secure environment
The watch specialist for over 25 years

Stock status

Product in stock

On the product list page, below the products is indicated whether or not a product is in stock.

Stock location

The exact location of the product is indicated on the product page if the product is not in stock at our central warehouse, but for instance at one of our shops.

When a product is in stock, but not at the most convenient location for you, you can order the product online. Keep in mind when you place an on-line order for a product that is not located at our central warehouse, the delivery may take a few days longer. No appetite for waiting? You can also pick up the products in our shops. Select the option 'pick up' in the checkout. The product will be shipped to the location of your choice.

Products not in stock at our central warehouse have different delivery times. The estimated delivery time is indicated below the '+ in shopping cart' button on the product page and on the checkout page.

Product (temporarily) not in stock

If a product is not in stock, you can place the product on your wish list. You will be forwarded to a page, where you can leave your name and email address. As soon as the product is back in stock, you will receive an email notification. You can then decide whether you would like to purchase the product.

'Shipping within 24 and 72 hours'

For safety reasons we are not able to store all watches at our central warehouse or shops. If it says 'Shipping within 24 and 72 hours' below a product, this means the product is in stock at an external warehouse. Once you order this product, the external warehouse ships the product to our head office where we will ship the product to you. This process takes 24 - 72 hours.